Thursday, January 21, 2010


Yes. Mine. I don't post for a month plus and then I decide to post about my hair.

Well, I cut bangs. Yes, Pedro-inspired-"I-like-your-bangs" type. I didn't actually cut them; Brent's brother Dave's amazing girlfriend Kaitlyn did, as a Christmas present. NICE.

So, far, though I've been compared to several things. You can decide for yourself.

#1: Cleopatra.

#2: Zooey

#3: Brunette Barbie

#4: Then there's this

You can decide which has the most similarities to the real deal.


Patricks said...

HAHA!!! - that picture is 100% amazing....just blew my mind...

Emmie Grey said...

Jess- that picture is awesome!!!! I'm lovin those bracelets!