Monday, April 13, 2009

Being a kept woman

While debating with a co-worker about how I had, in fact, filled out my own bracket instead of having my husband fill it out for me, we stumbled upon awkward territory. He told me he thought of me as, how could he word it, not being a 'kept woman.' I wasn't quite sure what that meant and whether Brent or I should be the offended one. I decided that perhaps it leans a little to the right of "wearing the pants" in the relationship. This got me to thinking about my brackets. I finally checked those today because I was on Spring Break and don't do anything productive during that time. I am very happy to report that I got 2nd in the Visio bracket and 4th in the bracket at school. While I didn't win any money, I suppose I gain one point for womankind in proving that, yes, in fact she can fill out a damn bracket without the assistance of a man. Watch out glass ceiling. As a side note, my friend - and fellow female Carolina fan - Emily Aker got first in the Visio bracket with an impressive 99.something % correct.




Emmie Grey said...


Thanks for the props. The guys at work didn't believe me until I dragged them over to my computer and showed them our bracket page.

"If you liked it then you shoulda put UNC on it oh oh ohhhhhhh."

Revolu said...

now emily that's just silly