Sunday, September 21, 2008

Genius Bar

Things I love about my MAC:
2. It's easy to use.
1. Brent bought it for me to finish grad school.

Things I don't love about my MAC:
4. It won't connect to our wireless internet despite two frustratingly long conversations with the very helpful Indian named "Jason" who spoke perfectly clear and understandable English.
3. When I try to plug it in the plug makes 'snap-crackle-pop' noises that threaten to both burn the house down AND make my computer explode in confusion, therefore I had to visit the Mac Store. And I don't like the MAC store....
2. because:
a. It's in the mall and I don't like to waste fall Sundays (see earlier post) in the mall.
b. It's insanely crowed with o-so-trendy shoppers and employees.
c. It's the workplace of the Mac employee who treated me like scum because:
i. I called my iBook a MacBook and he had to show me to the other of the two plug options.
ii. I opened my mouth in a confused "what's that?" when he told me I'd have to make an appointment at the Genius Bar since I have Apple Care.

And the number one reason I don't like MAC:
1. In addition to employing snotty sales associates, they have marketing people who've chosen to name the help desk the Genius Bar. Seriously. Who are they kidding???


Kate said...

does your plug sometimes send sparks out off the wall when you plug it in? mine does...that's the number 1 reason i think i'm going to upgrade soon...4.5 years is a good run.

Revolu said...

and its called the genius bar?!