Saturday, August 23, 2008

Things you can do by yourself:

Brent is out of town this weekend, so I’ve added to the list of things you can do by yourself and not feel weird about: Go see Tift Merritt. I am not sure this works for any concert, but Tift Merritt outside at the Art Museum was wonderful all by myself. I am almost thinking going alone is the way to go see shows. No one interrupts you. It doesn’t matter if you bob your head in an incredibly-she’s-so-white sort of way. You can people watch. And I got in free. I was probably an hour and a half late and had to park 1800 blocks away, but box office was closed when I got there so a nice security lady walked me in. And I had $4, the exact price of beer, to splurge on one Bud Light. (Apparently my drink of choice these days.) My favorite people were the group of high school girls (although they could be in college – now that I live in a college town I am surprised at how young they are) on the front row dancing like crazy with no reserve. V. cute. And the 60 year old lady who needed a pole to really get away with the moves she had and her husband who sat nearby completely unflustered by his wife’s seductive moves. I guess when you’ve had years of fulfilled strip-tease fantasies you get immune to it in public.

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